2 cups of Determination
1 spoon of Vision
9/10 of Commitment
It’s all a massive cliche, but the harsh reality is that:
– a vision without commitment and determination is a wish.
– Commitment without vision and determination is fruitless
– Determination without vision and commitment is useless
When I look back to our relative success, I can wholeheartedly say that these were the main ingredients of our growth. There were times, where we knew where we wanted to go but we needed more tenacity.
Times where we were trying hard, but we had to re-focus our efforts and remember our vision.
Also, there were times where we took our foot off the gas and thought we had ‘made it’
As much as you want to complicate business, without these key elements, you will not have long-term success.
This is why we want to work with like-minded people and work with them for the long term. Investors who are looking to work with people who have these qualities, but also understand that any endeavour requires these things.
We love working with successful people!
If you would like to work with us, then get in contact with us now.